Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For more years than I care to count I have used Bob Hostetler's "Parents Prayer Calendar" to pray valuable character traits not just into my children's lives, but lately more my own. Posted on my fridge for easy access, I find on it the current date and read the trait to pray about that day. I've been doing it for so long now, however, that rarely do I need to actually check the calendar to guide my daily prayer.

The 30th day of the month has always been a scary one for me in that regard. Praying for courage as the calendar suggests brings thoughts of trial and tribulations requiring the same that I'd rather avoid altogether! I likewise have a list of daily prayer requests to make on behalf of a pastor, and on that page the other night I found the instruction to pray for courage for every task. Now, that I can do, without fear and trembling about what might be coming down the pike.

Thank You, God, for sending that my way... so timely, too, since yesterday's character trait was...courage!

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