Thursday, May 26, 2011

Heavenly Housekeeping

My house is easily overwhelmed with clutter and mess. So God told me to leave each room better than I found it as I move around my home. I do one thing to tidy a room before I leave it. I pick up an abandoned pop can as I walk through the living room, scoop up the socks in the hallway as I head for the bathroom, and then wipe the counter before I leave. Soon my eyes became accustomed to looking for something to tidy everywhere I went.

The same truth applies to my spiritual house, as well. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by needs calling for physical healings, financial miracles, or emotional make-overs, everywhere I go.

Jesus suggests I tidy life spiritually as I go. I could improve things for those around me if I made an effort to offer a quick prayer for someone here, loosened the hold on my wallet there, or gave a smile of encouragement, a word of praise or a helping hand of some kind or another wherever needed.

One hot day at the zoo recently I was walking up a steep pathway with my husband and kids. A woman beside me was struggling to get a double stroller leaded with two toddlers and all the accompanying paraphernalia up the hill. She was pushing with all her might and barely moving. God told me to grab the front handlebar and help her along. And that's what He wants us to do spiritually, as well. If we lighten the burden of the one walking beside us, we'll both make it over whatever mountains stand in our way.

"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ."
(Galatians 6:2)

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