Smiling in delight and anticipation, my husband laced up his new golf shoes before heading off for his first round of golf for the year. But after nine holes of play he was walking with a decided limp. His new footwear had rubbed a raw spot on the back of his right heel.
Many of us approach a new season in our spiritual walk with as much excitement as my husband took to the links that spring morning. But sometimes the friction we encounter from people and circumstances as we walk in the new shoes God’s given us to wear can likewise leave a sore spot in our spirits that hinders our ability to function effectively for a time. As I watched my husband apply a bandage to his blistered heel before putting on his shoes this morning I realized anew the importance of covering our hurt spots with prayer before taking more steps in any direction, that wounds inflicted upon us would heal quickly and not fester or further impede our spiritual progress.
His blister long gone, my husband’s shoes now fit comfortably and cause him no further problems. When we’re hurt may we experience a similar emotional healing and spiritual strengthening so that our hearts will be less susceptible to any painful circumstances surrounding us as we travel on down the road.
(Psalm 41:9 NIV)
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