Monday, April 12, 2010

I escaped to Hueston Woods State Park this morning in the hope of catching wood violets, redbud and dogwood all blooming at the same time. Redbud was in its glory, and there was a nice sprinkling of violets along the path I hiked. Too early for dogwood, I guess. But what I found blooming in abundance all over the forest floor were Dutchmans breeches, the spring wildflower that looks like pantaloons hanging on a line to dry... a gentle nudge from God, perhaps, that I should be home working on my own laundry instead of goofing off in the woods! I laughed, snapped a few more photos and came on home. Now both machines in the laundry room are busy and I am relaxing once more, sipping a fresh cup of coffee and reflecting on the glorious start to the day!

(Further research online makes me wonder if what I saw was actually Dutchmans Breeches or its very close relative Squirrel Corn. No hope for it - I will just have to play hookey again on Friday and check it out, to see if God wants me back in the laundry room or out feeding rodents! Either way it looks like I'm in for another wonderful day!)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I woke up this morning - only days after Easter! - feeling discouraged abut some aspects of my life spiritually. I sat down at the table with my cup of coffee, started praying, and God began ministering to me. He reminded me of the back page of the a section in yesterday's newspaper, an ad by Hobby Lobby ministry projects, pictured at left. What a reminder that today (and every day) is a new chance to begin make better receive His new mercies. It was a such a blessing! Suddenly I looked at the Starbucks mug I was sipping my coffee out of and realized that it was the same - all black with words of love written on it in white. It will serve as reminder of today's message and each day's fresh start.

Another thought: One cup of coffee is never enough to satisfy me. It barely gets me through the first hour of the day! Deliberately I refill it, many times throughout the day. In the same way spiritual "times of refreshing" are available to me whenever I need them, now that my sins have been erased and I live with joy in the presence of the Lord.

"So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord;"
(Acts 3:19 AMP, emphasis mine)
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